Brooklyn Squirrel Removal

When temperatures fluctuate, squirrel activity picks up as they seek food, water and shelter. We have experience in removing squirrels from homes, attics and commercial properties.

Squirrel Pest Damage

Squirrels can do thousands of dollars in property damage by establishing a nest in your home or attic. Squirrel removal services are needed when these pests decide to make your home their home. Squirrels can also transmit bacteria and other diseases so it’s important to get rid of them quickly and keep them from getting back in!

We specialize in humanely removing squirrels, groundhogs (woodchucks), prairie dogs (ground squirrels), chipmunks and marmots.

Ongoing Training and Adherence to Regulations

Signs of Squirrels in your attic

Are noises in the attic keeping you up at night? You might have a squirrel problem in your home. Potentially wreaking havoc, squirrels like to build nests and store food in warm, non-occupied areas like attics, garages and empty sheds. If these animals have found a way into your house, their presence suddenly becomes obvious and irritating. Instead of trapping these pests on your own, call a wildlife control expert call Cooks pest control.

DIY and Safety Information

Professional Squirrel Removal in Brooklyn

Because of these risks, it is vital that professionals help you get rid of the squirrels from your home and ensure that they will not return. At Cook’s Pest Control, we’re experts at identifying and safely removing your uninvited squirrel guests. We’ll also show you how they got in so that you can guard against future infestations. Give us a call today to dispatch these problem pests from your life.

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