Complete Pest Management Services

Pest Control

At Cook’s Pest Control, we deal with pests of all kinds. Whether property owners are battling termites, wasps, cockroaches, mosquitoes, birds or other wildlife species, we are fully capable of putting together a treatment plan that will eliminate them as soon as possible. By acting quickly, individuals can avoid the structural and financial damage that is often associated with severe infestations.

Termites and Roaches

Termites are wood destroying insects that nest underground and seek sources of wood for food. If that wood is an old dead tree, it isn’t a problem. When it is the structural framework of a home or building, you could have an expensive and dangerous Termite infestation problem. Once Termites make their way into a structure they chew their way through the wood, creating pencil sized tunnels that destroy the structural integrity of foundation beams, sills, floor joists, weight bearing walls and eventually all the wood in a building if left unchecked. A mature Termite colony can contain more than 2 million individuals. As colonies grow they can split up into secondary colonies with new Queens. These new colonies can then feed and grow and then you could have more than one colony attacking your location.

A Cockroach infestation is more than unsightly; they carry a host of human pathogens and diseases like E. Coli and Salmonella. The feces, urine, and casings of Roaches have also been known to cause allergies, asthma, and skin irritations. Roaches can also stain surfaces and produce a disagreeable odor.

While each kind of Cockroach has some differences, in general, they have a flattened body, oval in shape, with antennae about as long as it’s body. Some species like it warm and moist others seek cool dry spaces. Roaches are nocturnal, so if you see one in the daytime or in a lighted room, you probably have an infestation numbering in the hundreds. Roaches are also scavenger eaters, so they can survive on just about anything from garbage, to paper, the glue in book bindings, to electronic wire casings, and even soap.

Mosquitoes and Wasps

Mosquitoes are more than just an annoyance—they are the deadliest animal on the planet. Over one million people are killed by mosquito-borne diseases every year all over the world. The United States tends to be less aware of how deadly mosquitoes are, but over 1,000 Americans experience serious illness or death because of a mosquito bite every year. Regular Mosquitoes are treatment on your property is important to help prevent protect your family.

Wasp Nests and Infestations

Different species of Wasps will exhibit different nesting behaviors. Some are solitary and some swarm in numbers.

Mud Daubers nest in tubes of dried mud (often mistaken for Termite shelter tubes).

Paper Wasps chew wood into a paper-like pulp to create hanging nests on shady areas of your property.

Hornets create tear-shaped nests on the sides of buildings or hanging from the eaves or trees. Some Wasps favor the undersides of wooden decks.

Yellow Jackets enter your property from cracks in your siding and gaps in your soffits.

You can often locate a Wasp nesting site by carefully watching individuals as they forage, then converge on the hive. But be careful as you may not be able to see the whole hive or the extent of the wasp infestation.

How to Deal with a Wasp Nest

If you have identified a Wasp Nest problem, it is best to call a professional to deal with it. Most Wasps and Hornets nest in high, hard to reach places. It is almost impossible to know how big a Wasp colony is without training. Most Wasps will mount a massive attack on any perceived threat. Keep pets and children well away from any suspected nesting sites until you get a professional inspection.

If the nest is not near your home, you are better off leaving it alone. Keep an eye out for wasp problems when in your yard and garden so you don’t inadvertently stumble on a nest and provoke an attack. When out in your yard and Wasps are present, wear light clothing and avoid scents. If you are cooking out, keep food covered with plastic so the scent of it doesn’t draw unwelcome visitors.

Birds and Other Wildlife

Birds, rodents, and other larger species can also cause problems for homes and businesses. Birds can leave droppings on sidewalks and tables. Mice and rats, on the other hand, can invade basements and attics. In areas that are a bit more rural, squirrels, raccoons and skunks can also present debilitating problems. Once they’ve begun to nest, they can damage support structures and invade kitchen areas.

Individuals who are currently dealing with infestations from any of the above species will want to seek professional assistance before the problem grows worse. At Cook’s Pest Control, we can identify the pest species and immediately put together an action plan that will lead to eradication. Interested parties can call for a free quote.

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Pest Control

There are many pests that can enter homes throughout the area of Brooklyn, including ants, termites, mice and rats. Each of these insects and rodents are unwanted visitors, and they can even cause your family to deal with health issues. Fortunately, you can turn to our experienced team of pest control technicians to take care of the problem. Do not try and treat for general pest control yourself call a licensed pest control company that will get you results.

How Do Pests Enter My Home?

Many insects can access your home due to tiny cracks in your windowsills, entryways or bricks. Larger pests such as rats and mice will typically get inside a building that has foundation cracks or other structural issues that provide them with a large enough hole. With this in mind, it is imperative to isolate the problem and correct it instead of simply exterminating the rodents or insects that are currently present in your house. After all, failing to repair cracks and holes will make it easy for additional pests to come in.

Are Insects and Rodents Dangerous?

Although there are many insects that are relatively harmless, it is important to take action if you have termites or ants in your home. Termites can cause extensive damage that will leave you needing to pay for exorbitantly expensive repairs if they are left untreated. Some species of ants, including fire ants, are problematic because their bite is very painful. Additionally, many other types of ants can harm electrical systems and wood.

Rodents are often responsible for wood damage and chewed wires, and this can end up leading to serious issues such as an electrical fire. It is also important to note that mice and rats will occasionally bite people, and this is dangerous because they are known to carry diseases.

Removing Pests from Your Home

Cooks pest control services has been the leading pest control company in Brooklyn and NYC for over 30 years. Contact us today to receive a free quote and schedule a service call. Our expert team will eliminate all your pest control issues on your property asap. Call us today for a free estimate at 347- 221-0385

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