Brooklyn Skunk & Opossum Control

Your Skunk Removal Service Specialist!

If you are experiencing a skunk problem, please don’t get sprayed! It’s no fun! Call us so we can help! We specialize in locating and removing skunks from homes, structures, properties and attics.

When temperatures fluctuate, skunk activity picks up as they seek food, water and shelter. We have experience in removing skunks from homes, attics and commercial properties.

Skunk Pest Damage and Dangers

Skunks can do thousands of dollars in property damage by establishing a nest in your home or attic. Skunk removal services are needed when these pests decide to make your home their home. Skunks are known to transmit bacteria and other diseases so it’s important to get rid of them quickly and keep them from getting back in!

We use specialized skunk removal equipment to assist in providing effective control services. We specialize in humanely removing skunks from homes, attics and more.

Call us today to discuss your skunk removal service needs.

Schedule a Opossum Removal Service.

opossum, sometimes referred to “possum”, is the most common form of marsupial found in the Western Hemisphere. They can grow up to the size of a large cat, but are actually about 2 – 3 feet long with the length of their rat-like tail. Opossums have distinctively elongated snouts and narrow skulls, pink noses, black eyes and black, hairless ears. The fur on their bodies is a grayish white, which fades to a darker gray on their limbs.


Opossum on branch image from Opossums are nocturnal creatures with a flexible diet, making them difficult to catch in action and even more difficult to get rid of for good. They love to hide in dark areas below or above ground. These adaptable little creatures can just as easily take over an abandoned burrow as climb a tree. Unless you catch one rummaging through the garbage, your best bet for locating where an opossum been is to follow the tracks its sharp claws have left behind.


Opossums are some of the least picky eaters on the planet. These omnivores will feast on everything from road kill and worms to Fido’s kibble or your leftover fruit salad! Not only will possums rummage through your garbage, they’ll eat crops fresh from your garden and trample what they leave behind. This, coupled with their abounding resilience, makes opossums a formidable foe, best taken on by a trained professional who is never fooled by their “playing possum”.

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Opossums are not as reviled as skunks, but these nocturnal creatures bring their own problems. Since these animals forage at night, they are prone to getting into garbage or other storage areas, which can create a real mess. Opossums may also get into other food sources such as pet dishes. If an opossum frequents your yard, picking up after it can be a time-consuming and frustrating effort.

Professional Skunk & Opossum Removal in Brooklyn

In either case, there is no reason to suffer unwanted guests in your yard. Here at Cook’s Pest Control, we are trained professionals, capable of handling any pest. This includes skunks and opossums in addition to other problematic animals. To learn more about how we can get rid of skunks or opossums in your yard, please contact us for a free quote.

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